

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Threatening To Unravel!

Whether it's due to old age, dried-out fibers, or a little bit of "assistance" from the puppy, the blanket on son Caleb's bed is disintegrating.

There are pieces all over, in between the sheets, and lying on the floor around the bed like snow.

It's totally unraveling.

Kinda like me today.

There is:

  • an overabundance of laundry waiting for attention
  • a little hint of marital discord
  • a difficult full-of-legalese contract from my literary agent needing my response
  • an after travel lack of groceries in the house
  • some out-of-control hormonal fluctuations and hot flashes giving me the going over
  • an overnight bellyache that is still lurking
  • leftover empty cartons and containers to trip over from our goodies for the 325 trick or treaters we had two nights ago
  • a work crew from the sewer company jackhammering in the street out front of my bedroom at 7:00 in the AM this morning

The thought comes easily to my mind, for I've heard it said so many times:  "God won't give you more than you can handle."  (2 Memes 10:14)


In spite of the fact that I do feel overwhelmed, and I do feel a potential to unravel, I can say without a doubt that the statement is false.  Although spoken by well-meaning Christians who are attempting to encourage, it would mean we can handle everything that comes our way, no matter how much or how hard it is.  That view essentially means we don't really need God at all because we've got it handled.

Actually, at times He definitely will give us more than we can handle on our own, just so we are constantly reminded of our need for Him and for a savior.  He loves it when we run to Him, asking for His help (and his love and companionship as we travel through those hard places!)

Many stories in the Scriptures show how God put humans' backs to the wall.  Without God, all would have ended in disaster.

Let's stay true to what the Scriptures really do say.  The verse that has been twisted into the 2 Memes 10:14 version above is 1 Corinthians 10:13:

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

My frustrations and feelings that I may not be able to cope may always be there, though.  I may sense an imminent unraveling at times.

Even so, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  (Philippians 4:13)

All things, through Christ.  Not on my own.

I won't unravel.

Instead, I choose to:

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