Here we are
Just four days from Christmas
I have everything
I could need or want
For I have you, Jesus
Outside my home, chaos looms
Shoppers, decorators, salespeople
People driving too fast, intent on their preparations
Not me, though
I have you, Jesus
My heart is full
My mind is at peace
I'm satisfied
I feel no need
For I have you, Jesus
Bells are ringing outside Wal-Mart
Children are singing in holiday concerts
The market is bustling
Grocery stores are re-stocking
I'm good. I have you, Jesus
Gifts are piled
Trees are decorated
Stockings are hanging
Manger scenes are arranged
And I have you, Jesus
The company will come
The presents will be given
Children will toss the wrappings
Not knowing that you are the Gift
So thankful, for I have you, Jesus
All the chaos settles
The holiday ends
Folks go home
The parties fade
But you are here always, and I have you, Jesus
You are everything, Lord
The beginning and the end
The Gift now and forever
My peace and my joy
So thankful I am, for I have you, Jesus.
Amen, Merry CHRISTmas!